Cara Mía Theatre presents Teatro Petra's Comedy Production from Bogotá, Colombia In this uproarious comedy, witness the collision between tradition and rebellion as a “traditional Latina woman” navigates a society that labels her “crazy” for demanding her rights. Inspired by real events and with a Latinx cultural focus, the play explores the absurdity of societal norms and the…
Cara Mía Theatre presents Teatro Petra's Comedy Production from Bogotá, Colombia In this uproarious comedy, witness the collision between tradition and rebellion as a “traditional Latina woman” navigates a society that labels her “crazy” for demanding her rights. Inspired by real events and with a Latinx cultural focus, the play explores the absurdity of societal norms and the…
Cara Mía Theatre presents Teatro Petra's Comedy Production from Bogotá, Colombia In this uproarious comedy, witness the collision between tradition and rebellion as a “traditional Latina woman” navigates a society that labels her “crazy” for demanding her rights. Inspired by real events and with a Latinx cultural focus, the play explores the absurdity of societal norms and the…